
Jumat, 25 April 2008

landless rural households and micro-enterprises

Rural World 4 households are landless, frequently headed by women, with little access
to productive resources other than their own labour. Sharecropping or working as
agricultural labourers for better-off households in their communities is perhaps the most
secure livelihood option for many of them. For others, migrating to economic centres on a
daily, seasonal or even permanent basis is their best hope for survival. But their low
education levels are a major barrier to migrating out of poverty.
Community ties, the glue in this group’s socioeconomic sphere, can be an important
asset in seeking out alternative livelihood options. But participation in more influential
economic and political networks is not common. As for Rural World 3, the fortunes of Rural
World 4 rely on Rural Worlds 1 and 2 for employment and income-earning opportunities.

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