
Selasa, 08 April 2008

Banjarese Sawah/Surjan Farming System

This farming system is the only one in the project area that does not have rubber as a source of income. Instead, padi sawah is the main source of livelihood. In the upper stratum, the income sources include paddy sales (30% of total income), own paddy consumption (17%), citrus (16%), poultry (7%) and various off-farm activities such as salaried employment, shopkeeping and trading (30%). Among moderate households, paddy sales account for only 5% of income, citrus sales account for 35%, salaries for 35% and own paddy consumption for 25%. It is primarily wealthier households who own chickens or ducks, averaging over 25 heads. Of all the farming systems, the Lowland Sawah/Surjan offers the fewest income-earning opportunities for poorer households, with 65% of their income coming from casual labour and 35% from share cropping paddy.

In this farming system, all categories of households are less well off than their counterparts in other systems. Wealthier households, for instance, who make up less than 10% of all households, earn under Rp3 million per year. Moderate households, 35% of all households, earn under Rp1 million per year and poor households (55%), earn less than Rp500,000. Nearly all of the households in this farming system, however, have received a loan.

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