
Jumat, 25 April 2008

Intensifying input-based production

Intensifying input-based production, centred on seed varieties with higher productive
potential and the fertilisers and pesticides to realise these potentials, was the focal point
of the Green Revolution in Asia. Similar efforts, expanded to include livestock breeds and
associated veterinary drugs and compound feeds, hold great potential for rural households
in Rural Worlds 1, 2 or 3. This is particularly true in areas with good agro-ecological
resources, low climatic risks, good access to input suppliers and to markets.
Most of the opportunities for intensifying input-based production have already been
exploited, however, and new opportunities will require much improved dissemination
of existing intensification technologies, significant investments in infrastructure
programmes and functioning input markets. Input-based production intensification can
also degrade land, which over time limits the yield responses. Furthermore, in Africa far
fewer producers have irrigation, resource endowments are often too poor, and risks are too
high for input-based intensification to be relevant to more than a few producers in
Rural Worlds 1 and 2.
Producers and processors in Rural World 1, also in some cases in Rural World 2,
already benefit from advanced technologies based on the recent discoveries of molecular
biology and genetic manipulation. However, much of this technology remains primarily
aimed at users in developed countries and has been financed by multinational companies.
For the originators of the technology, research and development geared to the needs of the
rural poor in developing countries are not considered high return investments. Application
of some of the principles of these advanced technologies to the needs of poorer producers
in Rural Worlds 2, 3 and 4 could nevertheless do much to raise their productivity and
reduce risks. For instance, tissue culture can generate virus-free, and hence more
productive, stocks of perennial crops that are important to the survival strategies of poor

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